About Us
The Heritage Cultural Political Institution (Örökség Kultúrpolitikai Intézet) founded in 2012 – unlike the majority of domestic public political institutes - has a definite profile of expertise: its main activity includes doing research and analysis, organizing conferences, handling projects and publishing in the fields of culture and cultural politics.
Today, we are proud to have launched an independent cultural project, events that have become regular and open to the general public in recent years, and several of our own book series. Our Institution initiated Hungary’s largest museum promotion program, the Mosaic Museum Tour (Mozaik Múzeumtúra) and we also published a relating book series as well. Our events focused on current affairs of culture and cultural politics have become regular and we also released the social scientific book series entitled Western Eurasian Time (Nyugat-Eurázsiai Idő ) which studies the history of Central and Eastern Europe from an original point of view.
We dedicate high regard to the societal role of culture and to those social scientific approaches, which have cultural aspects or – in a broader sense – have a cultural political significance.
We believe that one of the strengths of the Hungarian culture lies in its diversity, and that our rich cultural heritage can only be preserved for future generations by presenting this variousity. Keeping this in mind, we strive to achieve this in our work.