Museums Today 2020 - MúzeumokMa 2020
The aim of the research program entitled Museums Today 2020 (MúzeumokMa 2020)is to comprehensively assess the state of the Hungarian museum sector, to fully map the current professional situation, with great emphasis on the analysis of statistics and recognizing the maintainers’ opinion. Knowledge of research results supports responsible professional and cultural political decision-making, identifies possible directions for development, and contributes to shaping the approach of the museum sphere.
Festival Research Program - Fesztiválkutatás
13 years ago, the last comprehensive study of Hungarian festivals took place. Research at the time became a point of reference for a long time and helped decision-makers enforce quality considerations. Therefore, our Institution conducted research and a comprehensive survey at the request and funding of the Secretariat of the Hungarian Academy of Arts (Magyar Művészeti Akadémia Titkársága) and with the professional support of the Hungarian Festival Association (Magyar Fesztivál Szövetség). The study reflected on the 2016 Hungarian festival offerings, its most important data, indicators and trends, and analyzed support and funding practices.
Hungarian Culture in Numbers (Magyar Kultúra Számai)
The aim of the Hungarian Culture in Numbers (Magyar Kultúra Számai) project is to create a complex database that collects and publishes the most important cultural indicators of the period since 1990, as well as budget and all other data related to the field in an understandable form. The project fills a gap because there is currently no database available and accessible to everyone where these data can be studied and researched. The data does exist, however it is scattered and not organized, correlated or analyzed, and most of it is not publicly available.
On the website of the project named Hungarian Culture in Numbers (Magyar Kultúra Számai), we are creating a sub-page of the sector where the data becomes available and retrievable.
The case of the Hungarian Academy of Arts and Hall of Art in the light of the press - A Magyar Művészeti Akadémia és Műcsarnok-ügy a sajtó tükrében
The first major study of the Heritage Cultural Political Institution (Örökség Kultúrpolitikai Intézet) examines the press coverage of the Hungarian Academy of Arts and the Hall of Art case (Magyar Művészeti Akadémia és Műcsarnok). The research went beyond the classical content analysis and drafted the chronology of the case – using other media releases – then analysed its press representation according to two main aspects. Finally the results of the research were compared and extended by the Institution’s own survey. The analysis can be freely referenced by source designation.