The aim of the Institute is to break with the common image of culture as a closed, passive subsystem, and instead strives to present it as an open, dynamic area that can also influence international competitiveness. It does not limit the concept of culture to elite or high culture, but also takes into account popular culture and local levels of public education.

Western Eurasian Time publications (Nyugat-Eurázsiai Idő)

Launched in the fall of 2015 under the title Western Eurasian Time (Nyugat-Eurázsiai Idő), our book series brings together works by authors who seek to give the region its own voice and question its past and present with the tools of social sciences.

Our series brings together authors who seek to give their own voice of Central Europe and the post-Soviet, non-Russian New Eastern European region and question their past and present with the tools social sciences. So far, our series has included works by Ewa M. Thompson, Mykola Riabchuk, Anne Applebaum, Agnieszka Kołakowska, Ihar Babkou and Orsolya Németh. The interesting thing about our volumes is that each cover is prepared using the work of a contemporary Hungarian artist.


Mosaic Museum Tour Books - Mozaik Múzeumtúra könyvek

In 2014 the Mosaic Museum Tour (Mozaik Múzeumtúra) managed to steer the attention of the primary and secondary school populace towards the museums and exhibition spaces of Hungary with unique tools. The campaign, developed and carried out by our Institution with the support of the National Cultural Fund (Nemzeti Kulturális Alap) and the professional assistance of the Ministry of Human Capacities (Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma), drew attention to almost all important museums and exhibition places in the country. We managed to reach out to the youth and through them to many families, whom we encouraged to go and discover our local and regional values.


Festival Reseach - Fesztiválkutatás

Hungary's dynamically developing and diverse cultural festival scene offers meaningful recreation and community experience to a wide range of society. Today, their significance goes far beyond entertainment, they have become an integral part of the cultural, touristic and economic life of our country. Despite, the last time a comprehensive survey of our festivals was conducted was in 2004.


The Fate of State Immovables after the Regime Change - Az állami ingatlanvagyon sorsa a rendszerváltozás után

The publication contains an edited version of the presentations of the conference entitled The Fate of State Immovables after the Regime Change, supplemented by a study summarizing the results of research related to the topic.


Hírlevél feliratkozás

A Magyarság Kulturális Fővárosa Program előkészítését a Miniszterelnökség támogatja.

Tájékoztató rendezvényeken készülő fényképfelvételekről és azok felhasználásáról:
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